Most reviewed Natural History Museums in Rhineland-Palatinate

  1. 4.5 Deutsches Mineralienmuseum (45 reviews)
    - Wonderful
    Spent 1-2 hours Speciality Museums • Natural History Museums • History Museums
    Deutsches Mineralienmuseum image
    So much to explore on 4 levels. The Staff is very experienced and can give lots of information. The entry fee is very low for what you get and students pay even less. We will come back! You can also buy gemstones and souvenirs for a very good price. You learn so much and can spend easily many hours in there. A toilet is also available there. See more..
  2. 4.5 Vulkanhaus Strohn (11 reviews)
    - Activity on a rainy day
    Spent 1-2 hours Natural History Museums
    Vulkanhaus Strohn image
    We looked for something to do on a rainy day and came accross the mentioning of Vulkan Haus Strohn. It is a small museum, but the information you get on the geological history of the Eiffel is impressive. We spent about 1.5 hours in there. The museum Cafe is excellent: good cappucino and lovely home baked Torte und Kuchen See more..
  3. 5.0 Nahe der Natur - Mitmach-Museum fur Naturschutz (9 reviews)
    - Voluntary work
    Spent 2-3 hours Natural History Museums
    Nahe der Natur - Mitmach-Museum fur Naturschutz image
    This place is amazing, I worked there for 2 weeks, they have the perfect concept about the nature, they have a beautiful moss garden, open air arts, different kind of exhibitions inside the museum and a lots things to see. You can go and walking around the forest (4km), then you can enjoy and learn about of different topics in museum and finally drink a cup of coffee with a piece of cake, by the way the owner Ursula make amazing cakes :). Really recommend go to there! See more..
  4. 4.5 Pfalzmuseum für Naturkunde (8 reviews)
    - Unerwartet klasse!
    Spent 2-3 hours Natural History Museums • Children's Museums • History Museums
    Pfalzmuseum für Naturkunde image
    Wir waren zum ersten Mal hier und waren so positiv überrascht. Es ist überhaupt nicht klein und langweilig oder verstaubt. Die reguläre Ausstellung war für die Kinder schon ein Erlebnis. Es gibt viele Mitmach Stationen. Die Sonderausstellung "Spinnen" war noch ein Highlight. Viel zu lernen und echte Spinnen. Das alles für wirklich vertretbare Preise. Danke! See more..
  5. 4.5 Palaontologisches Museum Nierstein (6 reviews)
    - Museumsfest im Juni
    Spent 1-2 hours Natural History Museums
    wohl gerade zur richtigen Zeit gekommen.
    Schönes Museum, gerade bei schlechtem Wetter kann man auch ohne Auto was unternehmen.
    See more..
  6. 3.5 Vulkanpark Infozentrum (6 reviews)
    - Info centre in volcanic activity in area
    Spent 1-2 hours Natural History Museums • Science Museums
    Vulkanpark Infozentrum image
    Little information centre with info on the volcanic activity in the area. Highlights: 25 minute documentary; outside excibit with lava bombs and collums; beatiful water stream which cuts through a lava field. Friendly and enthusiastic staff. Good for a start to go see the outside locations. A combiticket can be purchased for visiting other locations zich as the laacher see Caldera kookpunt, geiser, excavation area wich shows deposit layers and a lava grotto (excavated, nog a lava tube). locations are 15 - 30 minute ride apart by car. Info at the site is in german Documentary is Available in English See more..
  7. 5.0 Ziegeleimuseum Sondernheim (4 reviews)
    - Radtour
    Speciality Museums • Natural History Museums
    Ziegeleimuseum Sondernheim image
    Direkt am Rhein gelegenes Idyll. Ideal für einen Radausflug von Frühling bis Herbst. Wirklich sehenswert. Geöffnet ist es jeden 1. Sonntag, aber man kann anscheinend auch Termine ausmachen, wenn man mal einen Gruppenausflug dorthin machen will. Die Führung war sehr kurzweilig und die Kinder waren von den vielen freilaufenden Pfauen und der tollen Feldbahn, die durch das ganze Areal fährt begeistert. Anschließend noch Kaffee und Kuchen im Café nebenan..... was will man mehr? Jederzeit wieder! See more..
  8. 5.0 Elwedritsch Weinstube und Museum (4 reviews)
    - Kurios und einmalig
    Saturday: 4:00 PM - 10:00 PM Spent 1-2 hours Natural History Museums
    Elwedritsch Weinstube und Museum image
    Dieses Museum ist einzigartig.Es vereint Kurioses mit urpfälzischer Lebensart und vermittelt selbst "Eingeborenen" tiefgreifende Erkenntnisse über den "Pfälzer Nationalvogel".Bewundernswert ist die Privatinitiative die diese Einrichtung entstehen ließ und ohne öffentliche Fördermittel am Leben hält. See more..
  9. 4.0 Naturkundemuseum Gerolstein (2 reviews)
    - Interesting geological and archeological exposition
    Natural History Museums
    Naturkundemuseum Gerolstein image
    This museum is rather small but interesting. If you have a tourist card, you can visit for free. Also kids can learn a lot from it. There are different floors showcasing minerals, fossils, stone age life and don't forget the nice butterfly collection at the top level. Everything is exposed in nice show cases with a description for everything. Most of it is found in the Eifel area and more specific from around Gerolstein. The minerals and fossils with some nice trilobites caught the most of our interest. See more..

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