Most reviewed Castles in Cantabria

  1. 4.5 Palacio Real de La Magdalena (2.622 reviews)
    - Cute Building
    Wednesday: 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM, 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM Castles
    Palacio Real de La Magdalena image
    The former summer residence of King Alfonso XIII until the end of his reign, and now owned by the city of Santander. The exterior of the building is built in a bizarre mix of different styles, especially the south-east facing side which looked like it could’ve been several houses joined together. There’s Neo-Gothic, Neo Renaissance, Flemish and Catabrian influences everywhere. See more..
  2. 4.0 Castillo de Argueso (148 reviews)
    - Picturesque, but heavily renovated
    Spent < 1 hour Castles
    Castillo de Argueso image
    THE CASTLE OF ARGÜESO: The Castle of Argüeso was built during the 13th, 14th and 15th century, on a 9th century hermitage. It belonged to Mendoza´s family, one of de most important families of the midle age in Spain. They were called "Marquis of Argüeso" by The Catholic King and Queen in 1475. Nowadays, the castle is owned by the municipality, and it´s opened everydays as a Cultural Center. Important: it is remarkable the rehabilitatio work that has been done, because all the wood (oak tree) were handmade by local handicraftmen: the Sobaler´s Family. See more..
  3. 4.5 Capilla-Panteon (133 reviews)
    - Beautiful Architecture
    Spent 1-2 hours Historic Sites • Architectural Buildings • Castles
    Capilla-Panteon image
    The Chapel-Pantheon is located in the gardens of Sobrellano, and the style is Neo-Gothic. This was the work of the architect Joan Martorell. The work was finished in 1881. The material used was stone. The main façade has a tall tower. The interior has beautiful stained glass windows and the first furniture designed by Gaudi. There are pantheons of writers like Joseph Llimona and the Vallmitjana Brothers. This structure is like a small cathedral. See more..
  4. 4.0 Castillo de Aguero (1 review)
    - Casa fuerte de los Agüero.
    Architectural Buildings • Castles
    Castillo de Aguero image
    Interesante casa fuerte de la que se conservan las paredes, se visita el exterior y a distancia ya que actualmente se encuentra cercada. Es gótica del siglo XIII o XIV Durante las guerras de Banderías entre Giles y Negretes pasó a los Velasco volviendo siglos más tarde a la familia Aguero. Al otro lado de la carretera hay una magnífica casona perteneciente al mismo linaje que junto a la iglesia y la bolera forman un interesante conjunto. See more..
  5. 4.0 Torre de Gajano (1 review)
    - Torre de Gajano.
    Architectural Buildings • Castles
    Torre de Gajano image
    Bonita torre medieval que pereció al linaje de los Riva Herrera. Los escudos de portada y torre pertenecen a la familia Riva. Su construcción podría datarse en el S XIV, aunque reformada en el XVI. De propiedad privada se encuentra en un excelente estado de conservación. See more..
  6. 4.0 Torre de Venero (1 review)
    - Torre de los Venero.
    Torre de Venero image
    Bonita torre defensiva bajomedieval, muros de sillarejo y argamasa. Construida sobre roca, su estado de conservación es excelente, mantiene la estructura característica de las torres medievales cántabras, planta baja para el cuerpo de guardia, cocina y caballerizas, la principal para vida común, segunda dormitorio de los señores, tercera para servidores y gentes de armas y última almenada para defensa y vigilancia. No es visitable salvo exteriormente. En las cercanías hay otras torres similares Cabrahigo, el Rebollar... See more..
  7. 4.0 Fuerte Del Mazo (1 review)
    Architectural Buildings • Castles • Military Bases & Facilities
    Fuerte Del Mazo image
    See more..

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