3 Star Places To Visit in Shanxi, China (43)

  1. 3.5 Nine Dragon Screen (244 reviews)
    - 15 minutes
    Monday: 9:00 AM - 4:50 PM Points of Interest & Landmarks • Architectural Buildings • Libraries
    Nine Dragon Screen image
    Not really much to say, it’s a wall with 9 dragons ceramic on it. The wall is not original, the dragons appear to be. It’s free admission, in a nice little park, there are washrooms and a little gift shop. The Shanhua Monastery down the road has an almost identical wall with 5 dragons on it. Go have a look, get some photos and then 10 minutes later go see something else. See more..
  2. 3.5 China Escort Agency (27 reviews)
    - Worth a brief visit for the signs alone
    Points of Interest & Landmarks • Architectural Buildings
    China Escort Agency image
    Some of the most amusing English language translations we saw in China. We visited early in the morning when the museum was quiet and we were able to tour quickly. The highlights were the weapons and furniture displays. If you have a half hour, stop in and check it out. See more..
  3. 3.5 Qingxu Guan (22 reviews)
    - A neat temple but optional
    Architectural Buildings • Religious Sites
    Qingxu Guan image
    I couldn't make it a must see but if you have time, and if you are interested in wood carving architecture, then you can visit this place. If you have seen other temples in Pingyao like Shuanglin Temple, Zengkuo Temple, and Temple of City God, then this is similar. The wooden carving is key point, highlight of the temple. 30 minutes at most should be sufficient. See more..
  4. 3.5 Shanhua Temple Five-Dragon Screen (21 reviews)
    - Heavily restaured, still interesting.
    Points of Interest & Landmarks • Architectural Buildings
    Shanhua Temple Five-Dragon Screen image
    This inner city temple and its 5 dragon wall is situated within the great walls and easy walking distance of the garden hotel and other attractions in Datong. Nicely kept and landscaped. Worth a visit. See more..
  5. 3.5 Jinzhong Erlang Temple (13 reviews)
    - Immaculate Little Tao Shrine
    Architectural Buildings • Religious Sites
    Jinzhong Erlang Temple image
    The thing about Pingyao is that most tourists just wander up and down the main street of town, where all the tourist stalls are concentrated, and then you hear lots of complaints that the old town is just a 'tourist trap'. Yet on the 700 year old city walls you can wander for a kilometre at a stretch without seeing another tourist. Another way to have a more tranquil experience is to do a tour of Pingayo's Buddhist and Taoist shrines. They have some of the most delightful murals, carving and statues in the old town, and unless you are unlucky and your visit coincides with the arrival of a Chinese tour group, it should be a more relaxed, peaceful experience. This particular Taoist temple, with a number of different shrines and altars, is very well-preserved and maintained and makes for an enjoyable leisurely visit. Look out for the Taoist demons! See more..
  6. 3.5 Yao Temple—Hua Gate Tourism Area (12 reviews)
    - Worth taking the time to visit
    Monday: 6:30 AM - 8:00 PM Points of Interest & Landmarks • Beach & Pool Clubs
    Yao Temple—Hua Gate Tourism Area image
    The gate itself is a new structure, much like a lot of building in the area close by. It is worth taking a trip inside and climbing the steps to the top. There are some interesting decorations and sculptures. See more..
  7. 3.5 Performing Centre of Pingyao Grand Theater (9 reviews)
    - A very Professional & Fun Perfomance
    Spent 2-3 hours Theaters
    Performing Centre of Pingyao Grand Theater image
    An unexpected high quality performance with a good mix of variety, from Dance, to Opera, Acrobats & Comedy. We really enjoyed this performance and I even got taken up onto the stage. An absolute must if you're in Pingyao Ancient City for a night or two. See more..
  8. 3.5 Jincheng People's Square (8 reviews)
    - Currently a building site
    Monday: 8:10 AM - 5:00 PM Points of Interest & Landmarks
    Jincheng People's Square image
    When I was there in March 2013 it was a building site, nothing to see. Apparently there's a big statue of Mao there. Walking through the market was an experience, lots of overpowering smells, nothing you'd really want to eat though. There are some good restaurants within a block. See more..
  9. 3.0 Fenghuanggu Forest Park (8 reviews)
    - 休閒健身好去處
    Monday: 12:00 AM - 11:59 PM Parks • Forests
    Fenghuanggu Forest Park image
    作為城市的後花園,鳳凰谷的定位不算是大型的自然景區,但是近兩年不斷的開發,改造,環境得到了改善。因為位於城市週邊,門票便宜,所以可以作為健身的去處,親近大自然,每週都去。現在又開發了歡樂谷景區,是小孩遊樂玩耍的地方。夏季夜晚經常舉辦消夏晚會。景區環境越來越好,管理也比以往規範多了! See more..
  10. 3.5 Tongxinggong Escort Agency (8 reviews)
    - Mandatory Escort Agency
    Points of Interest & Landmarks • Architectural Buildings
    Tongxinggong Escort Agency image
    One of the mandatory places to visit in Pingyao is one of the Escort Agencies. This is a necessary service in the old days when law and order does not cover the whole country and outlaws lie awaiting outside the city walls. The Performance "Youjian Pingyao" is based on the story of an escort agency, a chinese version of "Saving Private Ryan". See more..
  11. 3.5 Guanque Tower (7 reviews)
    - 没必要执着于是否古建,尽情享受登楼乐趣即可
    Monday: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM Ancient Ruins • Architectural Buildings
    Guanque Tower image
    新修的鹳雀楼很有气势。虽然很多人对新仿古嗤之以鼻,但是这个楼无疑提供了一个非常好的观赏黄河的角度。其实抛开历史性的话,就当是个新楼也值得一看。当然五十块钱的票价不能说不贵,没办法国内景点就是这样,不会带动区域经济,就知道猛要门票 See more..
  12. 3.5 Mt. Lishan Scenic Resort (6 reviews)
    - 历山,真正的自然风光(一)
    Nature & Wildlife Areas • Forests
    Mt. Lishan Scenic Resort image
    端午节放假三天,选来选去,最终定下自驾去历山,行程计划好后,31号下午两点半太原出发,走大运高速,四个多小时到达垣曲县城,行程370公里, 一路上从过了临汾后,就再看不到山了,一直到进入垣曲,雄浑的大山才又出现在眼前,终于来到神往已久的中条山了,脑海中不断浮现出11万国军将士在这里浴血奋战,抗击日寇,8万士兵英勇捐躯的悲壮情景, 根据网上介绍,我们住到舜都国际酒店,条件不错,可能算这里最好的酒店了。
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  13. 3.5 Dayun Temple (6 reviews)
    - Testimony of longtime budhism presence
    Monday: 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM Architectural Buildings • Religious Sites
    Dayun Temple image
    Very quiet .building tell that it was rixhly sponsored few 100yrs ago .solid beautiful pagoda in the temple . Inside pagoda is a very very huge Budhist head sculpture ...very unusual.. See more..
  14. 3.5 Laoding Mountain (6 reviews)
    - Nice view short hike
    Monday: 8:30 AM - 6:30 PM Mountains
    Laoding Mountain image
    The mountain gives you a nice view of Changzhi. It is also a good option to go biking. If you are a bit adventurous you can find nice single downhill trails. See more..
  15. 3.5 Jue Mountain (5 reviews)
    - 风景一般
    Monday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Mountains
    Jue Mountain image
    风景一般,10月26日到达,因为连续干旱,红叶早已干旱哭死,未见到真正的红叶,有点遗憾,心有不甘,却又无奈,据说求签很灵验,信则有,不信则无,我不信,所以也无可求证,老头老太可去,山虽在一天门处陡峭,但总归就一小段,轻松爬下来,用时1个半小时 See more..
  16. 3.5 Ancient Dwellings Expo Garden (5 reviews)
    - Good example of Shanxi old style rich people's residence
    History Museums
    Ancient Dwellings Expo Garden image
    This place I would recommend for all the none Chinese reading travelers of Pingyao. This place I think had by far the best English descriptions of what its presenting, which is a standard rich people's home in Pingyao. The English is by no mean perfect, but it is by far more passable and understandable then other points of interest in Pingyao. Well worth a visit if you want to learn about the lives of the locals from centuries back. See more..
  17. 3.5 Pingyao Lacquer Art Museums (5 reviews)
    - Nice lacquerware
    Monday: 12:00 AM - 11:59 PM Art Museums
    Pingyao Lacquer Art Museums image
    Its interesting. But as always the shopping prevails now. The give to much attention to the shoppers. Sad, See more..
  18. 3.0 Yuci Chenghuang Temple (4 reviews)
    - Seriously?
    Monday: 8:30 AM - 5:30 PM Architectural Buildings • Religious Sites
    Yuci Chenghuang Temple image
    Badly set up / manage and full of tourists scam. Totally not worth to pay for the entrance ticket. A guy who look like tourist keep following me and want to help to explain... While want to take money from me. What a jerk. Not recommend at all! See more..
  19. 3.5 Shahu Pass (3 reviews)
    - 古道西口
    Shahu Pass image
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  20. 3.5 Dingcun Village Site (3 reviews)
    - 价位还是偏高
    Historic Sites • Ancient Ruins
    Dingcun Village Site image
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  21. 3.5 Dayu Ferry (3 reviews)
    - 值得去
    Historic Sites • Ancient Ruins • Ferries
    Dayu Ferry image
    欣赏到了提水工程,宏伟壮观。 大禹站在那里监视着黄河, 让它造福人类。 喷泉更是见所未见。 文化浓厚,趣味性强,遗憾的是没坐上水上飞机。
    欣赏到了提水工程,宏伟壮观。 大禹站在那里监视着黄河, 让它造福人类。 喷泉更是见所未见。 文化浓厚,趣味性强,遗憾的是没坐上水上飞机。
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  22. 3.5 Cuifeng Mountain (3 reviews)
    - a normal place
    Monday: 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM Mountains • Points of Interest & Landmarks
    Cuifeng Mountain image
    there is bus to there but few and have to wait long time and i wen there by taxi the moutain is nice and many trees but it seems the owner spent few on improving the service and things inside and i found some tools were broken without repair some equipments need to replace not easy fo find and i don't recommnd this place to friends See more..
  23. 3.5 Shigao Mountain (3 reviews)
    - 石膏山
    Monday: 12:00 AM - 11:59 PM Mountains
    Shigao Mountain image
    石膏山是太岳峰的主山峰,山很大,上面有很多珍稀的动植物。这里山清水秀,小溪的水流不是很快,可以走着过去,很清凉,感觉真好。国庆的时候来可以看到红叶。非常漂亮。登到山顶,运气好的话能看到 云海。非常值得一来。
    石膏山是太岳峰的主山峰,山很大,上面有很多珍稀的动植物。这里山清水秀,小溪的水流不是很快,可以走着过去,很清凉,感觉真好。国庆的时候来可以看到红叶。非常漂亮。登到山顶,运气好的话能看到 云海。非常值得一来。
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  24. 3.5 Yuwang Cave (3 reviews)
    - 小时候的度假村
    Monday: 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM Caverns & Caves
    Yuwang Cave image
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  25. 3.5 Yellow River Grand Iron Bull Statue (3 reviews)
    - Engineering marvel
    Monday: 12:00 AM - 11:59 PM Architectural Buildings • Monuments & Statues
    Yellow River Grand Iron Bull Statue image
    These bulls, I thought they were bronze, are fantastic. They anchored the ropes of the ferry that crossed at this point. If you go to the museum, you can go below the bulls and see how the footings are angled to counteract the force of the rope, ferry and river. The human characters accompanying each bull are from the different regions of China at that time, 700 -750 AD. True, it is far from tourist areas, but well worth the stop. I am glad we visited in 2013. See more..
  26. 3.0 Pujin Ferry (3 reviews)
    - 黃河渡口之一
    Ancient Ruins
    Pujin Ferry image
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  27. 3.5 Datong Stadium (3 reviews)
    - went to the closing ceremony of the 5th JACKLIE CHAN FILM WEEK ASVIP GUESTS
    Monday: 9:00 AM - 10:00 PM Arenas & Stadiums
    Datong Stadium image
    i was with JACKIE CHANS 5TH INTERNATIONAL FAN PARTY and we were staying in datong as part ofhif film week we were very lucky to be vips JACKIE TO WATCH HIM AND A SPECTACULAR CLOSING CEREMONY beautiful huge 66000 stadium See more..
  28. 3.5 Fenjiu Workshop of Xinghua Village (2 reviews)
    - Interesting and Informative
    Points of Interest & Landmarks • Architectural Buildings
    Fenjiu Workshop of Xinghua Village image
    I've gone twice and both our tours were in Mandarin, luckily we had a friend who translated for us both times. That being said the alcohol factory is interesting even without any explanation. They have a "drunk room" (which makes you feel drunk), a place you can see the "mother liquor", and a tasting room. See more..
  29. 3.5 Xiaolangdi Reservoir (2 reviews)
    - 壮大な黄河のダム
    Monday: 12:00 AM - 11:59 PM Points of Interest & Landmarks
    Xiaolangdi Reservoir image
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  30. 3.5 Potou Taishan Mountain Temple (2 reviews)
    - 泰山庙破旧不堪
    Religious Sites
    位于盂县北庄乡破头村的泰山庙现在已经破旧不堪,无人修缮,更是无人管理,以前在正殿前面的石狮子也以遭到破坏,门口的白马也被封堵,看到后真的心痛,乡政府不重视,村委会不重视,村民的肆意破坏,以往在每年的庙会还能一睹风采,后来就如此珍贵的历史建筑,文物在不久的将来就会永远成为历史了。 See more..
  31. 3.5 Shuozhou Cemetery of Han Dynasty (2 reviews)
    - 朔州不是个值得一去的地方
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  32. 3.5 Yuhuang Temple (2 reviews)
    Monday: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM Architectural Buildings • Religious Sites
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  33. 3.5 Shen Tan Grand Canyon (2 reviews)
    Shen Tan Grand Canyon image
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  34. 3.0 Lvliang Stadium (1 review)
    Arenas & Stadiums
    Lvliang Stadium image
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  35. 3.0 Baima Fairy Hole (1 review)
    - 很普通的岩洞
    Monday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Caverns & Caves
    Baima Fairy Hole image
    回家省亲顺便游玩,景点本身是最近一两年才开发出来的,山洞内部不算很大,但是曲折多变。主要用灯光布置了很多景点,跟大部分国内的景点一样,人工气过重。 See more..
  36. 3.0 Wuzetian Memorial (1 review)
    - 呃~~
    History Museums
    这个 交通真的很让人郁闷 去的路上灰尘好多 哎 没有办法啊 都是这样子的 环境使然 馆也一般吧 设施不是很好 辐射的范围很有限~~ See more..
  37. 3.0 Datong Manjusri Temple (1 review)
    - Buen lugar para fotos
    Monday: 8:30 AM - 6:00 PM Historic Sites • Religious Sites
    Debo decirles que para tomar fotos es un buen lugar. Cuando fuimos había muchos turistas locales alrededor pero igual uno podía ubicarse y tomar buenas fotos. Para llegar lo hicimos en un bus privado. See more..
  38. 3.0 Datong Volcanic Group (1 review)
    - 在火车上看的
    Monday: 8:00 AM - 6:30 PM Volcanos
    在火车上看的。看过不止一次,至少3回。早年每次往返大同探亲坐火车,走运煤的老线路都会路过这里。一望无垠的黄土平原上一堆堆的微型富士山。。 See more..
  39. 3.0 Shengshou Temple Relic Towers (1 review)
    - 不可登塔
    Ancient Ruins • Religious Sites
    Shengshou Temple Relic Towers image
    圣寿寺舍利塔是位于芮城老城内的古老砖塔,塔下的建筑自然是近年重建。到了晚上这里会打上漂亮的景观灯,但遗憾的是无法进入砖塔内部。 See more..
  40. 3.0 OuZhou ShangYe BuXingJie (1 review)
    Points of Interest & Landmarks
    OuZhou ShangYe BuXingJie image
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  41. 3.0 Guanwang Temple (1 review)
    - 幽静的关王庙
    Religious Sites
    总体评价:60分,及格。本来阳泉就是个小地方,也没有什么旅游的资源,这种小景点也是稀罕。去景点的交通还算方便,市区有很多的小巴可到。关王庙是宋代的建筑形制,有些古朴的风格,去看的人如果是去看热闹的就算了,估计一个上午看到的不会超过十个人,看了以后感觉有那么一点点的收获。旁边有个玉泉山,可以一起玩,大约一个上午可以玩完。 See more..
  42. 3.0 Dahuaishu Memorial Garden (1 review)
    - 了解一些姓氏文化知识还可以,虽然网上就可以找到,但这里有浓厚的氛围。
    Historic Sites • Points of Interest & Landmarks
    Dahuaishu Memorial Garden image
    大槐树早已经没有了,原址有一座石碑,前面设有香案供人祭拜,但我无法理解祭拜的是什么?石碑吗?那是后人立的;大槐树吗?早就没有了,而且就算是有,它是离别场地或者称为见证者,也并非我们的先人,拜它的意义何在?也许是我亲情淡漠吧! See more..
  43. 3.0 Yuncheng Yellow River Ancient Ferry (1 review)
    - 黃河漕運不復當年
    Ancient Ruins
    Yuncheng Yellow River Ancient Ferry image
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