5 Star Places To Visit in Shanxi, China (50)

  1. 5.0 Wuguantun Grotto (59 reviews)
    - It's awesome but keep in mind that Yungang Grotto and Wuguantun Grotto are one place ;)
    Monday: 8:30 AM - 6:00 PM Caverns & Caves
    Wuguantun Grotto image
    In Trip Advisor there are two different places worth see - Yungang and Wugantun Grotto - but it's the same! Nevertheless it's breath taking place. See more..
  2. 5.0 Longquan Temple (8 reviews)
    - 楊家家廟龍泉寺
    Religious Sites
    Longquan Temple image
    龍泉寺創建於宋朝,位於九龍崗山腰,寺旁有泉曰龍泉,故寺名而得;這間寺院為青廟禪宗道場,原是楊家將家廟,傳楊五郎在此出家,遺骨並藏於令公塔內,寺內另有一塔為普濟禪師塔。從山下步上108階理石台階登上,迎頭的是巨型石牌坊,寺間處處可見雕工精細的石雕,從照壁、各式石垛、石鼓抱鼓、托木、塔、脊獸等隨處可見。 See more..
  3. 5.0 Bodhisattva Temple (8 reviews)
    - Spectacular views
    Spent 1-2 hours Religious Sites
    Bodhisattva Temple image
    This is a beautiful, colorful, peaceful temple at the top of a cluster of temples. There are spectacular views of the mountains, some of which were snow-capped when we were there, as well as many temples all around. There are 108 steps, same number as in Buddhist rosary, leading down from this temple. Due to my vertigo, it was a challenge for me to make it down but a helpful Chinese couple walked in front of me from top to bottom. For photographers it's a great place to take stunning photos. There were crowds there but I didn't feel it detracted from the experience. See more..
  4. 5.0 Museum of Chinese "Xietongqing"Ancient Bank (8 reviews)
    - A must visit and the best bank sample to visit
    Speciality Museums
    Museum of Chinese "Xietongqing"Ancient Bank image
    There are three banks in Pingyao for visit. If you want to visit one, I recommend this one. This is not as famous as Risengchang Former Bank, but it's bigger and it has a basement. The only one you can go down to the basement to see the "gold" storage room. It's huge and massive. See more..
  5. 5.0 Tan Mei Kee Nuns Statues (7 reviews)
    - Go in
    Monday: 12:00 AM - 11:59 PM Monuments & Statues
    Tan Mei Kee Nuns Statues image
    Don’t miss to go in you can be sure you will open your mouth more than once. Photos are forbidden, I agree because it is delicated over all the colors so please look but don’t take pictures. See more..
  6. 5.0 Yongle Palace (5 reviews)
    - 绘画精湛,历史文化浓厚
    Ancient Ruins
    Yongle Palace image
    Yongle Palace is the largest of all Taoist temples remaining from the Yuan Dynasty. The original monastery was built between 1247-1262. It is one of the most fantastic temples in China, and the murals within, some of which were finished in 1358. If you can give this site a listing, I shall provide a thorough write-up of this amazing place, which contains some of the finest Chinese art not located in a museum. Again, I am not an official rep of this attraction. But this is a very famous site (in China) which should be listed on TripAdvisor. (ShanxiFan) See more..
  7. 5.0 De Sheng Bao (5 reviews)
    - Great Wall living history / China’s largest fort complex
    Spent < 1 hour Historic Sites • Points of Interest & Landmarks
    De Sheng Bao image
    Must-visit for people interested in history and culture to see remaining unrestored sections of the Great Wall and China’s largest fort cluster (see picture). The original layout contained two forts, a wool and horse market, tax office, temples etc. You can still see the 得胜堡 (Deshengbao) fort, 德胜口 (Deshengkou) gate to Inner Mongolia and remaining parts of the wall of the Datong section around 1km beyond 得胜堡village. The elderly villagers in the little town are friendly and helpful. See more..
  8. 5.0 Eight Springs Gap (4 reviews)
    - Awesome, even on a drizzly day
    Monday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Architectural Buildings • Religious Sites
    Eight Springs Gap image
    The sightly are beautiful. I did not know that China has such a fantastic Grand Canyon with beautiful springs, waterways, and gorges surrounded by spectacular mountains. See more..
  9. 5.0 Zishou temple (4 reviews)
    - 非常好
    Monday: 8:00 AM - 7:00 PM Architectural Buildings • Religious Sites
    Zishou temple image
    古建筑群,古朴 文化底蕴丰富 内涵
    非常惬意的院子 安静 闹市中的净土
    交通方便 人杰地灵 距离王家大院景区也只有2公里,值得来的地方
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  10. 5.0 Yong'an Temple (4 reviews)
    - Must See
    Monday: 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM Architectural Buildings • Religious Sites
    Yong'an Temple image
    Inside this finest temple you'll come across the images you would not be able to take your eyes off.. The frescos depicting the Yuan Dynasty are so rich and so engaging, and captivating in the thousands of stories they tell you. The mastery of colour and technique with which they are delivered is unque. I wish I could describe, but there are simply no words. It is bound to make your day if you happen to be in the northern Mt. Hengshan. See more..
  11. 5.0 Fomu Cave (4 reviews)
    - Tough climb up
    Caverns & Caves
    The walk up is about 1600 steps according to our guide. Tough climb although there's option to ride on a pony for Rmb100 per pax one way. Gondola lift system is due to be completed next year as we were told. Primary attraction is a tiny hole 0f about 0.7m by 0.4m which opens up into a 1.5m by 2.2m by 1.5m (guesstimate) cavern. Legend has it that the female Buddha Tara resides in the cave. Going in and coming out of the cavern through the small opening is said to purify all negativities. See more..
  12. 5.0 Yuzhaofei Liang (4 reviews)
    - Flying Bridge
    Points of Interest & Landmarks • Architectural Buildings
    Yuzhaofei Liang image
    5 Stars because it is part of Jinci. This is the flying bridge, the first such bridge in China. This bridge has been reconstructed so it is actually new and not 1500 years old. it is beautiful and unique, with a fish pond below it. it is at the entrance of the Sacred Mother Temple. A must see. See more..
  13. 5.0 Taiyuan West Mountain Ecological Garden (4 reviews)
    - 太原最大的生态园
    Taiyuan West Mountain Ecological Garden image
    生态园现在还在修建完善的过程中,但是已经有很多市民在节假日都选择到万亩生态园游玩,放松心情。山顶上的启春阁是整个园林的一大特色,可以爬楼梯到顶层,整个万柏林区尽收眼底。生态园中有许多景点还在建造的过程中,相信不久之后,我们会开到一个完美的万亩生态园,那将会成我们休闲旅游的好去处。 See more..
  14. 5.0 Qu Family Compound (3 reviews)
    - Pintoresco
    Historic Sites
    Qu Family Compound image
    Es un lugar muy pintoresco y colorido, la gente es muy amable
    Lindo y con historia
    Es ideal leer un poco antes de visitar, si va de su cuenta, sin guía.
    En nuestro caso como estamos de visita en unas fábricas sólo salimos a caminar y encontramos estas maravillosas calles ricas en colores, poco conservadas pero esa decadencia lo hace maravilloso recomendado
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  15. 5.0 Yuci Hougou (3 reviews)
    - 民俗保留完整的一个小村落
    Geologic Formations
    Yuci Hougou image
    榆次后沟古村由于地处较为偏僻,所以很多古老的建筑得以保留下来,村落中现有完整的儒、道、释庙宇建筑、还有民间信仰的关公庙、五道庙、山神庙、魁星楼、文昌阁等建筑,还保留了古戏台。村落民风淳朴,现有多个农家小店,可供食宿,待客热情实在,是个适合都市人远离喧嚣寻找宁静的好去处。 See more..
  16. 5.0 Taihang Canyon (3 reviews)
    - Beautiful valley & sightseers pathways
    Monday: 8:00 AM - 6:30 PM Canyons
    Taihang Canyon image
    We enjoyed walking the valley pathway and the amazingly beautiful, peaceful natural scenery. Also beautiful, are the slow flowing, emerald green waters. See more..
  17. 5.0 Jincheng Lingchuan Chong'an Temple (2 reviews)
    Monday: 12:00 AM - 11:59 PM Historic Sites • Religious Sites
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  18. 5.0 Jincheng Qishui Xiangyu Village (2 reviews)
    - 晋城市を代表する観光地である皇城相府から山を越えたところに位置します。
    Monday: 12:00 AM - 11:59 PM Points of Interest & Landmarks
    Jincheng Qishui Xiangyu Village image
    晋城市を代表する観光地である皇城相府からはタクシーをチャーターして山を越えて訪問しました。正門の前には幅の広い堀があり、城壁を入ると未整備な古い町が残されていました。文革時代のスローガンの残る建物もあって半世紀ほどさかのぼったような気持ちになりました。 See more..
  19. 5.0 Eighth Route Army Taihang Memorial Hall (2 reviews)
    - Great Town
    Military Museums
    Eighth Route Army Taihang Memorial Hall image
    We go back to this town almost every year. There are 3 different historical sites to see. Very interesting. Signage is also in English at the museum and if you ask for an English translater, one is provided at no extra charge while touring the museum. I often walk the streets in this town by myself and it's very safe and locals are very friendly toward foreigners. Local food is the best. Love going there as often as we are able. See more..
  20. 5.0 Baiyao Mountain (2 reviews)
    - 很不错
    Monday: 8:30 AM - 6:00 PM Mountains
    Baiyao Mountain image
    柏洼山算是山西省有名的景区了,道教圣地,风景不错,服务设施现在也比较完善,每年的三月十七有庙会,很隆重;除了柏洼山,中阳县还有很多景点没有开发,比如柏洼山脚下就是龙泉湖(水库),夏季游泳钓鱼的好场所;喜欢探洞的朋友可以去仙明洞;徒步露营就去上顶山,中阳海拔最高的山,开车走到不能再走了就开始徒步穿越树林往山顶爬,到达山顶你会发现山顶是很大片草甸,中间夹杂着巨石,牛、马奔跑,风景相当不错;还有就是黄土塬了,感受黄土高原风情地貌,特别壮观。要来之前最好先找知道这些地方的本地人,大部分人不知道线路。 See more..
  21. 5.0 Tianjishan Natural Scenic Spot (2 reviews)
    - 爱他就带他到天脊山!
    Historic Walking Areas • Scenic Walking Areas
    Tianjishan Natural Scenic Spot image
    有时间的化玩玩神龙湾,华野漂流都不错!途胜龙湾沿途可以进过挂壁公路!值得欣赏,去神龙湾最好直接到山顶!往下爬比较舒服!可以省一半时间,顺便去天脊山玩上半天!这样一天可以玩两个景点!第二天去漂流相当不错!要是遇上国际攀岩节那就跟爽了!每两年一次在八月底九月初!我09年是在攀岩节工作!经典都逛过一次!神龙湾最好! See more..
  22. 5.0 Tiantai Temple (2 reviews)
    Architectural Buildings • Religious Sites
    Tiantai Temple image
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  23. 5.0 Diji City (2 reviews)
    Monday: 6:30 AM - 7:00 PM Castles
    Diji City image
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  24. 5.0 Lijia Grave (2 reviews)
    Historic Sites
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  25. 5.0 Northern Wei Dynasty Empress Feng Grave (2 reviews)
    Historic Sites
    Northern Wei Dynasty Empress Feng Grave image
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  26. 5.0 Wan-nian Ice Cave (1 review)
    Spent 2-3 hours Lookouts
    Wan-nian Ice Cave image
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  27. 5.0 FuQian BuXingJie (1 review)
    Points of Interest & Landmarks
    FuQian BuXingJie image
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  28. 5.0 Taichi Temple (1 review)
    - 值得一游
    Monday: 6:30 AM - 8:00 PM Architectural Buildings • Religious Sites
    Taichi Temple image
    汾河岸边,西台神村的北边。边上有千亩莲花。这个地方保存比较完好,目前不要门票。夏季时候应该是最佳游览时间,因为莲花都开了。 See more..
  29. 5.0 Chongming Temple (1 review)
    - 山懐に抱かれた古刹。
    Monday: 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM Architectural Buildings • Religious Sites
    山懐に抱かれた古刹で、晋城市からバスで「高平」まで移動してタクシーをチャーターして見学することになります。中国では国宝(重点文物保護単位)に指定されている貴重な古建築です。 See more..
  30. 5.0 Zhenbianbao Great Wall (1 review)
    - 适合徒步和体验当地文化的地方
    Monday: 12:00 AM - 11:59 PM Spent More than 3 hours Historic Sites • Points of Interest & Landmarks
    沿山上下来,到镇川口村时,我们选择徒步一段距离,沿着长 城步 行约1小时。长城以北属于内蒙,长城以南属于 山西 ,长城两侧都是农田和零星的村庄,农田了有着忙碌的身影,掰玉米、犁地、刨红薯和土豆,看着新鲜的土豆,我们忍不住买了一袋,5毛钱一斤,一袋33块钱。到中午12点多我们到了镇边堡,这边的老房子大多拆掉了,正在改造成新农村,主干街设计成仿古的样子。一条街也就300米长,开门的也就便利店和一家饭店,饭店紧挨着戏台,去的有点晚,米饭没有了。老板建议烩菜馒头,12元1个人,管饱。朋友没有吃过黄糕,老板真好有现蒸的,要了3块。(黄糕是用黍米做的,粘性的,不能细嚼,一般都是一小块一小块直接咽下去,口感偏苦,不太容易消化。建议大家尝尝就行)烩菜很不错,估计因为都是自己地里种的菜,吃着像小时候的味道,很不错。推荐大家去这家店,紧挨着戏台,名字忘记了。饭后我们之间驱车回到市区。
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  31. 5.0 Jueshan Pagoda (1 review)
    - 古代最残忍“子贵母死”制度:所有皇帝亲妈都得被杀死!国宝之旅
    Points of Interest & Landmarks • Architectural Buildings
    Jueshan Pagoda image
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  32. 5.0 Yuhuang Temple (1 review)
    - 晋城からほど近い場所にある見ごたえのある玉皇廟。
    Architectural Buildings • Religious Sites
    晋城からほど近い場所にある見ごたえのある玉皇廟。幹線道路から脇道を入っていくと、のどかな風景の先に廟が見えてきます。観光客も少なく落ち着いて見学できました。 See more..
  33. 5.0 Xinzhou Princess Temple (1 review)
    Monday: 12:00 AM - 11:59 PM Historic Sites • Religious Sites
    Xinzhou Princess Temple image
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  34. 5.0 Liu Hulan Memorial (1 review)
    - 去了好多次
    History Museums
    以前去的时候是要收费的 现在不了 红色旅游嘛 这个馆修过几次 第一次还是我同学的爷爷任馆长的 现在很好了 不过交通还是有一点差~~要多包涵 See more..
  35. 5.0 Huangya Cave Arsenal (1 review)
    - 华北敌后最大兵工厂
    Monday: 8:00 AM - 7:00 PM Points of Interest & Landmarks • Architectural Buildings
    这里是华北敌后最大兵工厂,朱德、彭德怀、刘伯承、邓小平当时在这里长期战斗生活。这里陈列着当时战斗时期的各种武器,能看到当时革命的不容易,更珍惜一下现在的生活。 See more..
  36. 5.0 Datong Shizhu Mountain (1 review)
    - とにかく大きい
    Monday: 12:00 AM - 11:59 PM Mountains
    Datong Shizhu Mountain image
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  37. 5.0 Malun Grassland (1 review)
    Monday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Points of Interest & Landmarks
    Malun Grassland image
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  38. 5.0 Shinaoshan Park (1 review)
    - 地理位置很方便
    Shinaoshan Park image
    阳泉市四面被山包围,去往狮脑山一直是盘山,但是很方便,因为有平坦的柏油马路直接修到山顶,可以直接将车开上去,一路上看到很多当地人都徒步上去,还有好多老人家哦,听朋友说当地人尤其是老人会经常到山上走走,锻炼锻炼身体 See more..
  39. 5.0 Jincheng Lingchuan South Jixiang Temple (1 review)
    - 北吉祥寺と対になる存在。
    Monday: 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM Historic Sites • Religious Sites
    北吉祥寺と対になる存在なのですが、二つは意外と離れています。陵川のバス乗り場からも高平のバス乗り場からも離れているので、タクシーを使う意外にアクセスの方法がありません。 See more..
  40. 5.0 Qicun Hot Spring (1 review)
    - 华北第一泉
    Hot Springs & Geysers
    Qicun Hot Spring image
    世界四大温泉之一,水质超级好,谁泡谁知道,适合休闲旅游,来游游泳泡泡澡,去双乳湖吹吹风,喝一碗猪杂汤泡高粱面鱼鱼,完美周末 See more..
  41. 5.0 Huozhou Ancient Government Office (1 review)
    Ancient Ruins • Architectural Buildings
    Huozhou Ancient Government Office image
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  42. 5.0 Jinheng Bank (1 review)
    Points of Interest & Landmarks • Architectural Buildings
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  43. 5.0 Kunrou Shengmu Temple (1 review)
    Monday: 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM Architectural Buildings • Religious Sites
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  44. 5.0 Kaihua Temple (1 review)
    - 長い石段を上がった先が境内になります。訪問者も少なく普段は鍵がかかっています。
    Monday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Architectural Buildings • Religious Sites
    Kaihua Temple image
    長い石段を上がった先が境内になります。訪問者も少なく普段は鍵がかかっています。宋の時代に建てられた建築で、壁画などな残り見ごたえがあります。交通の便は良くないので、晋城市から「高平」までバスで移動し、その先はタクシーをチャーターすることになります。 See more..
  45. 5.0 Yanshan Temple (1 review)
    - 山西这个被人遗忘的古寺庙,藏着北宋灭亡后的“清明上河图”
    Religious Sites
    Yanshan Temple image
    金大定七年(1167 年),文殊殿落成,已经68岁的王逵,又接过了这座大殿的壁画绘制工作,将最后的心血倾注到这堪比《清明上河图》的精美壁画绘画中。借着保留至今的壁画,我们看到了宋金从宫廷到民间的生活,看到了一个亡国之人对故土故国的眷恋。文殊殿现存的近百平壁画,是研究宋金交替年代历史、政治、生活、宗教、建筑、绘画艺术等等诸多领域的难得的珍贵资料。
    可惜的是,上世纪七十年代,有专家将这壁画从墙上揭下来用酒精浸泡,想让画面焕然一新,在最初的一段时间里,确实画面变新了, 然而之后却比之前还要黯淡,无知实在太可怕。
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  46. 5.0 Huangya Cave Revolutionary Sites (1 review)
    Monday: 8:30 AM - 6:30 PM Historic Sites
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  47. 5.0 Hundred-Regiment Offensive Monument (1 review)
    - 雄伟
    Monday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Monuments & Statues
    Hundred-Regiment Offensive Monument image
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  48. 5.0 Ji King Temple in Wangrong County (1 review)
    Religious Sites
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  49. 5.0 Jicheng Lingchuan North Jixiang Temple (1 review)
    Monday: 12:00 AM - 11:59 PM Historic Sites • Religious Sites
    Jicheng Lingchuan North Jixiang Temple image
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  50. 5.0 Kenan Slope (1 review)
    Monday: 8:30 AM - 6:00 PM Points of Interest & Landmarks
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