Most reviewed Ancient Ruins in Shanxi

  1. 4.5 Yungang Grottoes (974 reviews)
    - Very Cool History
    Monday: 8:30 AM - 5:20 PM Historic Sites • Ancient Ruins • Caverns & Caves
    Yungang Grottoes image
    There are over 50 caves with over 50,000 well-preserved Buddhist statues from the 5th century. See more..
  2. 4.0 Pingyao Ancient Government Office (113 reviews)
    - Must see in Pingyao
    Ancient Ruins • Architectural Buildings
    Pingyao Ancient Government Office image
    Lots to see and do here. There's even daily shows (see photo) re-inacting an old Court Trial. Make sure you arrive early to get to the front for the best views. The Torture museum is also very interesting with, amongst others, a rare original photo showing a male Eunuch after his bits were removed (our Tour-Guide told us about this rare photo when we were in the Forbidden City in Beijing). See more..
  3. 4.5 Shanhua Monastery (36 reviews)
    - Good experience
    Monday: 6:30 AM - 7:00 PM Ancient Ruins • Religious Sites
    Shanhua Monastery image
    Honestly, in China it is so very easy to get “Templed-out” from all the temples and monasteries there are. They all follow the same patterns, architecture, style and colours. Eventually you dread going to yet another “famous” temple, because they all start to look the same. That all being said, I’m happy I paid a visit to this place. It doesn’t feel like many other temples that came from the same temple factory. Yes, the place has been around for 1000 years and has likely been rebuilt a dozen times in that period, including recently, but there are some buildings here that look and feel, “old”. It’s a nice change. There are great opportunities here for some photos. There is a wonderful water area that makes for great photos. Very few people as it is away from the main tourist area. Free admission. There is a 5-dragon wall outside. If you only have time for one temple or monastery on your trip, head to this one. See more..
  4. 4.0 Yuci Ancient City (29 reviews)
    - A beautiful ancient city
    Ancient Ruins • Architectural Buildings
    Yuci Ancient City image
    When we arrived in this city we didn't think we had enough time here as it is so beautiful. There is so much history here and so much to do. We visited two temples and the ancient city wall, that is a lovely night life here as well with lots of shops and lots of places to visit in the evening. Two days is not enough. We did have a bad experience when we visited the massage place. One day we had a foot and a pedicure which was amazing and very cheap so we decided to visit the massage place again the following day and have a back massage, although at the time the back massage was invigorating the next day all three of us had huge bruises all on our backs!!! Do not get the back massage!! See more..
  5. 4.0 Guguan Great Wall (19 reviews)
    - The Perfect Stone GreatWall
    Monday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Ancient Ruins • Architectural Buildings
    Guguan Great Wall image
    The wall was repaired recently by the local citizens and the wall is really nice and it's about 150 years earlier than the great wall in Beijing Few tourists ,empty place i think it worthy to visit but the traffic is really not easy there is no public transportion system there and you have to take taxi and ask tazxi to wait for you and bring you back maybe this is the reason why not many people go there many famous people ( such as Kang xi emperor , etc) visited this area befoe and if you wish to lear more about China Greatwall history ,its a necessary place to visit See more..
  6. 4.0 Lin fen Yao Temple (15 reviews)
    - Very nice
    Monday: 6:30 AM - 8:00 PM Ancient Ruins
    Lin fen Yao Temple image
    I have visited this site twice since moving to China. I have to say that this temple is beautiful. There is many things to see in the area including a very large drum and bell. If you want to you can pay a small fee of 1 to 12 RMB to ring the bell and hit the drum. Its considered good luck to do so. Though I have been twice I have to say my favorite time to visit is in the winter when it is covered in snow. It takes on a whole new look when you visit during the winter, plus there are not that many people there because its cold. If you are lucky you can visit the fair they have outside the gates of the temple. It there that you can buy gifts for people. Don't be surprised if people look at you and ask for photos. As a forgiener in the area you will probably one of the first they have seen in real life. So just smile and go with it. See more..
  7. 3.5 Guanque Tower (7 reviews)
    - 没必要执着于是否古建,尽情享受登楼乐趣即可
    Monday: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM Ancient Ruins • Architectural Buildings
    Guanque Tower image
    新修的鹳雀楼很有气势。虽然很多人对新仿古嗤之以鼻,但是这个楼无疑提供了一个非常好的观赏黄河的角度。其实抛开历史性的话,就当是个新楼也值得一看。当然五十块钱的票价不能说不贵,没办法国内景点就是这样,不会带动区域经济,就知道猛要门票 See more..
  8. 4.5 Xinjiang Ancient City (5 reviews)
    - Within a completely different China
    Monday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Ancient Ruins • Architectural Buildings
    Xinjiang Ancient City image
    This region , in the extreme North West of China , constitutes a unique experience ,with its wild landscapes , a population of Kazakhs , Russians , Arabs , Mongols and all possible cross-breeds , populated by a Muslim minority named Uigur . The ancient city of Kashgar is wonderful , with its old buildings made of mud and bricks , its narrow steep streets , houses built such in a way to look like they are airconditioned in the hottest weather , a Sunday market attracting hundreds of thousands visitors . The desert , the nomadic people , the mountains , everything gives the visitor the feeling of being in a different China . See more..
  9. 5.0 Yongle Palace (5 reviews)
    - 绘画精湛,历史文化浓厚
    Ancient Ruins
    Yongle Palace image
    Yongle Palace is the largest of all Taoist temples remaining from the Yuan Dynasty. The original monastery was built between 1247-1262. It is one of the most fantastic temples in China, and the murals within, some of which were finished in 1358. If you can give this site a listing, I shall provide a thorough write-up of this amazing place, which contains some of the finest Chinese art not located in a museum. Again, I am not an official rep of this attraction. But this is a very famous site (in China) which should be listed on TripAdvisor. (ShanxiFan) See more..
  10. 4.5 Yanmen Pass (5 reviews)
    - Very famous pass in border fighting and commercial trading purpose.
    Ancient Ruins • Architectural Buildings
    Yanmen Pass image
    Yanmen pass is part of early stage of great wall. A pass to Mongolian. It is a famous pass since thousand years ago since Han dynasty. Tour guide Bruce Zhang explains site history well in detail which made our trip lot more interesting. See more..
  11. 4.0 Chishen Temple (5 reviews)
    - 幽靜的古建築寺廟
    Monday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Ancient Ruins • Religious Sites
    Chishen Temple image
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  12. 3.5 Dingcun Village Site (3 reviews)
    - 价位还是偏高
    Historic Sites • Ancient Ruins
    Dingcun Village Site image
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  13. 3.5 Dayu Ferry (3 reviews)
    - 值得去
    Historic Sites • Ancient Ruins • Ferries
    Dayu Ferry image
    欣赏到了提水工程,宏伟壮观。 大禹站在那里监视着黄河, 让它造福人类。 喷泉更是见所未见。 文化浓厚,趣味性强,遗憾的是没坐上水上飞机。
    欣赏到了提水工程,宏伟壮观。 大禹站在那里监视着黄河, 让它造福人类。 喷泉更是见所未见。 文化浓厚,趣味性强,遗憾的是没坐上水上飞机。
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  14. 3.0 Pujin Ferry (3 reviews)
    - 黃河渡口之一
    Ancient Ruins
    Pujin Ferry image
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  15. 4.5 Dongyue Temple of Wanrong, Yuncheng (2 reviews)
    Ancient Ruins • Religious Sites
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  16. 4.0 Wangu Temple (2 reviews)
    - Частная собственность
    Monday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Ancient Ruins • Religious Sites
    Wangu Temple image
    Мне рассказали что этот очень древний монастырь, он правда очень красивый, теперь управляется такими людьми, что все монахи решили покинуть это место. Теперь тут только бизнес и показы шоу. See more..
  17. 4.5 Guo Village Taishan Temple (2 reviews)
    - 让人回忆的地方
    Ancient Ruins • Architectural Buildings
    环境优美,保持了自然的环境状态,基本都是原生态环境,大殿的古建筑风格毒独特,让人联想和想象一些美好的东西,不错的地方发, See more..
  18. 4.0 Dayang Taishan Temple (1 review)
    - 登泰山而小天下
    Ancient Ruins • Architectural Buildings • Religious Sites
    登泰山而小天下,这句话果然不错,北方的山不像南方的山,那样绿树成荫,感觉树少了点,而且一直都是闷着头往上爬,感觉很累。但是还是挺值得的,毕竟是五岳之首。 See more..
  19. 4.0 Shuozhou Zhiyu Site (1 review)
    Monday: 12:00 AM - 11:59 PM Ancient Ruins
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  20. 5.0 Huozhou Ancient Government Office (1 review)
    Ancient Ruins • Architectural Buildings
    Huozhou Ancient Government Office image
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  21. 5.0 Wanronghoutu Temple (1 review)
    Ancient Ruins • Religious Sites
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  22. 4.0 Jiangzhou Lobby (1 review)
    - Ältester Verwaltungssitz Chinas
    Monday: 9:00 AM - 12:00 AM Ancient Ruins • Architectural Buildings
    Der Präfektursitz von Jiangzhou, heute in der Stadt Xinjiang in Shanxi, war seit der Sui-Zeit (spätes 6. Jahrhundert) eine Art Sitz des Landeshauptmannes, die Amtsstube, Gericht, Gefängnis sowie Privatresidenz samt Garten. Die Anlage war sehr groß, wie sichtbare archäologische Ausgrabungen beweisen. Erhalten ist neben dem Garten (ältester grundsätzlich erhaltener Garten Chinas) auch die Haupthalle des Präfektursitzes, eindrucksvoll in der Substanz des 13. Jh. erhalten. Für jeden an der Geschichte Chinas Interessierten ist ein Besuch absolut faszinierend - wenn auch Xinjiang alles andere als eine Touristenstadt ist, und eigentlich nie fremde Touristen empfängt. Die Stadt steckt voller hochinteressanter Punkte, vor allem aber ist sie China pur: Ungeschminkt, kaum modernisiert, quirlig, interessant. See more..
  23. 5.0 Cuifujun Temple (1 review)
    - 石の基壇の上に宮殿のような立派な楼門がそびえています。
    Monday: 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM Ancient Ruins • Architectural Buildings • Religious Sites
    石の基壇の上に宮殿のような立派な楼門がそびえています。朱色に塗られた壁も鄙びた雰囲気になっており、一見の価値があります。金の時代から清の時代にかけての建物は中国の国宝(全国重点文物保護単位)にも指定されています。 See more..
  24. 4.0 Guangren Wang Temple (1 review)
    - 隐藏的珍宝
    Ancient Ruins
    Guangren Wang Temple image
    距离著名的永乐宫不远,但名气小的惊人——这里可是中国现存四座唐代木造建筑之一呢。这座小小的建筑当年是前面那个小小水潭龙神的庙宇,现在以主殿为基础扩建成了一座奇妙的博物馆,介绍了运城地区其他了不起的古建筑。 See more..
  25. 5.0 Wanquan Confucian temple (1 review)
    Ancient Ruins
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  26. 4.0 Xinzhou Gate Tower (1 review)
    - 工事中です
    Ancient Ruins • Architectural Buildings
    Xinzhou Gate Tower image
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  27. 3.0 Shengshou Temple Relic Towers (1 review)
    - 不可登塔
    Ancient Ruins • Religious Sites
    Shengshou Temple Relic Towers image
    圣寿寺舍利塔是位于芮城老城内的古老砖塔,塔下的建筑自然是近年重建。到了晚上这里会打上漂亮的景观灯,但遗憾的是无法进入砖塔内部。 See more..
  28. 5.0 Feiyun Tower (1 review)
    Ancient Ruins • Architectural Buildings
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  29. 4.0 Hedong College Collection Building (1 review)
    Monday: 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM Ancient Ruins • Architectural Buildings
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  30. 3.0 Yuncheng Yellow River Ancient Ferry (1 review)
    - 黃河漕運不復當年
    Ancient Ruins
    Yuncheng Yellow River Ancient Ferry image
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  31. Fawang Temple of Jishan (0 review)
    Ancient Ruins • Religious Sites
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  32. Taiyin Temple (0 review)
    Monday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Ancient Ruins • Religious Sites
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  33. Shuozhou E‘maokou Site (0 review)
    Monday: 12:00 AM - 11:59 PM Ancient Ruins
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  34. Wangjia Confucian Temple (0 review)
    Ancient Ruins
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  35. Baoyuan Old Vinegar Square (0 review)
    Monday: 12:00 AM - 11:59 PM Ancient Ruins
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  36. Jingyun Palace Yuhuang Hall (0 review)
    Ancient Ruins • Architectural Buildings
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  37. Huanghe River Plank Road Site (0 review)
    Ancient Ruins
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  38. Brick Tomb in Macun County (0 review)
    Monday: 12:00 AM - 11:59 PM Ancient Ruins • Architectural Buildings
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  39. Twin Towers Jiaoying (0 review)
    Monday: 12:00 AM - 11:59 PM Ancient Ruins • Architectural Buildings
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  40. Niandui Yuhuang Temple (0 review)
    Ancient Ruins
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  41. Erlang North Temple (0 review)
    Ancient Ruins • Religious Sites
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  42. Dongfeng Stage (0 review)
    Ancient Ruins
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  43. Pei Temple Carved Stones (0 review)
    Ancient Ruins
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  44. Jiwang Temple (0 review)
    Monday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Ancient Ruins
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  45. Linyi Twin Towers (0 review)
    Monday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Ancient Ruins • Architectural Buildings • Religious Sites
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  46. Xiyin Village Ancient Ruin (0 review)
    Ancient Ruins
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  47. Datong King Jin of Tang Dynasty Li Keyong Tomb (0 review)
    Monday: 12:00 AM - 11:59 PM Ancient Ruins
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  48. Linjin County Office Site (0 review)
    Ancient Ruins
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  49. Qiaogoutou Yuhuang Temple (0 review)
    Monday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Ancient Ruins • Religious Sites
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  50. Linfen Jin Ancient City Ruins (0 review)
    Monday: 12:00 AM - 11:59 PM Ancient Ruins
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