3 Star Places To Visit in Chongqing Region, China (13)

  1. 3.5 China Karst (7 reviews)
    - Pyramid Building before going to the site
    Geologic Formations
    China Karst image
    Located pretty far from Wulong bus station, can take a van or Taxi to here. nothing much to do here just buy ticket then get to the bus to site See more..
  2. 3.5 Hong'an Ancient Town (3 reviews)
    - Interesting visit
    Historic Sites
    Hong'an Ancient Town image
    If you like history and local customs, this is one of those places to visit to explore something off the tourist route. We were in the Xiushan area for an extra day so our guide brought us here. We weren't sure if our kids would like it, but they enjoyed it (9 year old and 12 year old). It was December so it was a little drizzly, but nothing an umbrella couldn't fix. Be warned this is not Shanghai or Beijing, but that's not what we wanted. We didn't know anything about this area of China, but everyone was very friendly. Since it was winter (and not tourist season), it was very quiet, which we appreciated. At one point, we noticed a group playing some kind of card game in the streets but not using any cards we recognized. And they were kind enough to explain to us what they were playing. We liked watching some of the locals fish, cross the stone bridge (which I wouldn't let my daughter do), and cook outside. The wooden architecture was very impressive. And we enjoyed riding the ferry (and realizing the ferryman was pulling the boat by a line, not a paddle). There wasn't a lot of stores, but we ended up buying most of our Chinese souvenirs here because they were very unique to the area and not things we saw in Shanghai or Chongqing. The lunch we had was good. Since it was on the river, the fish was extremely fresh. I was worried about the public restrooms, but they were very clean and modern. There was a lot of construction still going on when we went, so I'm not sure what development is in the works. Our guide told us that during "market days" or "festival days" it's much more crowded. So, we're actually glad we came when it wasn't a popular time since we could explore the whole area. If you're looking for modern excitement or fast paced adventure, this probably isn't going to be that exciting. But if you like soaking up local culture off the beaten path, then this is a good side trip. See more..
  3. 3.5 Shuanggui Hall (3 reviews)
    - 清静
    Wednesday: 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM Points of Interest & Landmarks • Architectural Buildings
    Shuanggui Hall image
    离市区比较远,寺庙内比较幽静,大殿前的石桥雕刻极其精美!如果在市区边上,每天花个门票进去看看书喝喝茶,我想是个好地方。主体还是清末建筑,只是金身都已重塑,真的都是金身了……但还是推荐去的!到南站坐302路公交车2.5元。门票十元!注意只收现金! See more..
  4. 3.5 Chongqing Qinglong Lake (3 reviews)
    - 青龙瀑布
    Wednesday: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM Bodies of Water
      在离重庆万州20公里的地方有个甘宁乡,三国时期的吴国名将甘宁就是这里人。现在这里建有甘宁的一座塑像,塑像不远就是甘宁墓。在离甘宁塑像不远,有一号称亚洲第一瀑布的青龙瀑布。青龙瀑布高64•5米,宽105米。比著名的黄果树瀑布还要宽24米。青龙瀑布长年飞瀑垂挂,有如天上之水飞流直泻。瀑浪翻滚,气势磅礴,飞瀑跌落溅起的水雾,似条条巨龙腾空而起。瀑浪声似万马奔腾,又如巨雷轰鸣,十里相闻。站在望瀑台上,面对如此壮观的青龙瀑布,不禁会随口吟道:“飞流直下三千尺,疑是银河落九天。” See more..
  5. 3.5 Chongqing Forest of Steles (2 reviews)
    Geologic Formations
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  6. 3.5 Chongqing Bizika Green Palace (2 reviews)
    - 避暑
    Wednesday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Amusement & Theme Parks
    家里在黄水镇有避暑房,小区就挨着毕兹卡绿宫。因为是业主可以免费进去。里面大树参天,非常凉爽。里面不大,适合在林子里的吊床小睡。但景区到处都有广播放着低俗的土家风情音乐,吵的人不得安宁!根本睡不安稳嘛! See more..
  7. 3.0 Wuxi County Lingwu Cave (2 reviews)
    - 巫溪旅游
    Wednesday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Caverns & Caves
    巫溪的风景很原始,感觉没有污染,沿途的河水非常清亮,呈翠兰色,很好看,灵巫洞里面有很多钟乳石,另外就是去看了玄棺,就在路边就能看到玄棺,感觉很神奇。 See more..
  8. 3.0 Tongliang Museum (1 review)
    - Not a lot to see but...
    Speciality Museums
    Tongliang Museum image
    This museum was built to display artifacts unearthed locally, principally when they created a new reservoir in 1976. They rescued Tongliang's very own terracotta soldiers! Found in a Ming dynasty tomb of a local person of some eminence. Nothing so grand or impressive as those in the emperors tomb in Xi an as these are only 9" high, but nevertheless a good example of burial practises in feudal times. The museum advertises the "world famous Tongliang dragon lantern" but that display was not ready for the public yet! All the exhibits are labelled bilingually so if you have nothing to do for an hour or so why not give the museum a try? See more..
  9. 3.0 Liu Bocheng Memorial Hall (1 review)
    - 刘伯承纪念馆
    Points of Interest & Landmarks • Architectural Buildings
    旅游规划和旅游宣传没做到位 就是当地人对这纪念馆都没多大概念 没有和其他风景线搭上线 地理位置不大合适 周围环境差 See more..
  10. 3.0 Huangshui National Forest Park (1 review)
    - 凉快
    Wednesday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Amusement & Theme Parks
    很凉快,适合避暑。只是坐车不是很方便,如果不是自驾游,最好是在重庆参团。夏天去也要记得带长袖衣物,最后当地的很多土特产也不错。 See more..
  11. 3.0 Dafengbao Virgin forest (1 review)
    Wednesday: 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM Forests
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  12. 3.0 Chongqing Mingliang Palace (1 review)
    Points of Interest & Landmarks
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  13. 3.0 DuShi GuangChang ShangYeJie (1 review)
    Points of Interest & Landmarks
    DuShi GuangChang ShangYeJie image
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