Beautiful Indonesia in Miniature Park, Java, Indonesia

4.0 (2.293 reviews) Sunday: 7:00 AM - 10:00 PM Spent More than 3 hours Ranking #18 in Jakarta Amusement & Theme Parks

Amazing replicas

Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (TMII) merupakan suatu kawasan taman wisata bertema budaya Indonesia di Jakarta Timur dengan area seluas kurang lebih 150 hektar atau 1,5 kilometer persegi. Taman ini merupakan rangkuman kebudayaan bangsa Indonesia, yang mencakup berbagai aspek kehidupan sehari-hari masyarakat 33 provinsi Indonesia (pada tahun 1975) yang ditampilkan dalam anjungan daerah berarsitektur tradisional, serta menampilkan aneka busana, tarian dan tradisi daerah. Disamping itu, di tengah-tengah TMII terdapat sebuah danau yang menggambarkan miniatur kepulauan Indonesia di tengahnya, kereta gantung, berbagai museum, dan Teater IMAX Keong Mas dan Teater Tanah Airku), berbagai sarana rekreasi ini menjadikan TMIII sebagai salah satu kawasan wisata terkemuka di ibu kota.
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Jl. Cipayung Raya East Jakarta, Jakarta 13560 Indonesia


+62 821-1460-4415



[email protected]

Working hours

Monday : 7:00 AM - 10:00 PM
Tuesday : 7:00 AM - 10:00 PM
Wednesday : 7:00 AM - 10:00 PM
Thursday : 7:00 AM - 10:00 PM
Friday : 7:00 AM - 10:00 PM
Saturday : 7:00 AM - 10:00 PM
Sunday : 7:00 AM - 10:00 PM

Current local date and time now

Sunday, April 28, 2024, 0:42

User Ratings

4.0 based on (2.293 reviews)



  • 4AdFiaSasongko 5:00 PM Dec 12, 2020
    Spacious and affordable outdoor space
    After many months staying at home we started going outdoors. We found TMII as the appropriate place, it was not too crowded, affordable and also a place that offered many educative experiences for children. We went to Taman Burung (bird park) and Museum ikan air tawar dan serangga (fresh water fish dan bug museum). All gave beautiful moments for us and there are so many other places inside TMII that we plan to go to later

  • 3Ivo Carneiro De Sousa 5:00 PM Mar 12, 2020
    A disillusion between propaganda and Disneyland mimicry
    There was probably a time in the 1960s or 1970s of countless worldwide imitations of the Disneyland recreative model. It is precisely the case of this Taman Mini Indonesia Indah, built up during the Suharto "New Order" dictatorship to display the "harmony" of the 26 provinces (now more than 30) of the country. The park is a little bit far away, takes some time to arrive on it, and one needs several hours to go through the different buildings, showcases, and examples of the Indonesian mosaic of architecture and cultures. Despite interesting, the park seems to have stagnated around the Suharto nationalist propaganda era and lacks urgent modernization. Moreover, it doesn't have primary amenities and modern communication instruments. It could be much useful to listen in an iPhone informative explanation on the vast cultural diversity of Indonesia exemplified in the park. One sees mosques, churches, palaces, traditional ethnic houses, lakes, waterfalls, birds, even a Komodo museum, and in the end, it is challenging to organize a sound memory of the place. I have asked for virtual guides or booklets in English but found nothing proper. In conclusion, without modernization and updating the experience risks to be tiring, what is the worst in tourist memory.

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